NLC - Neurolinguistic Coaching

develop new solution strategies and realize goals with NLC coaching

What is NLC?

NLC translated means "Neurolinguistic Coaching". It is a coaching concept based on the human channels of perception and communication.

In the 1970s, by observing particularly successful therapists and communicators such as Walt Disney and Albert Einstein, various modeling techniques were developed to reproduce and replicate peak human performance.

This resulted in very effective coaching formats and techniques that are already used today in many other coaching methods, mental trainings and even in resource- and solution-oriented "positive psychotherapy".

History and concept of the NLC coaching techniques

The way people experience "their world" in the form of inner maps or inner models is essentially determined by two factors:

  1. Our inner representation (map)
    i.e. our inner "brain cinema" which is shaped in the course of our life by visual(seeing), auditory(hearing), kinesthetic(feeling), olfactory(smelling) and gustatory(tasting) - in short "VAKOG" - experiences and stimuli and leads to corresponding interpretations about ourselves and our fellow human beings.
  2. Our physiology
    i.e. the way we deal with our body, i.e. posture, facial expressions, gestures, breathing, eye movements etc. and which feelings and reactions we trigger in ourselves and our fellow human beings.

Everything we take in and process from the outside world through our senses is filtered and transported into our inner representation. There, these filters evoke corresponding physiological stimuli, "attitudes" and reactions in us. One of the three main natural perceptual filters for our inner experience is the

  • Generalize (generalize)
  • Erase (delete, omit) and
  • Distort (interpret)

from what is perceived. This "perception" consequently leads to a behavior, which can be partly consciously controlled but often also trigger unconscious "behavior" or inner/outer attitudes in us.

One of the basic assumptions in the NLC are:

  • each person has (potentially) all the resources they need to solve their problems and achieve their own goals
  • the five senses (VAKOG, representation systems) are the basis of human experience
  • People make the best decision they can at any given time based on their model of the world and situation
  • a person's behavior is to be separated from the person's intention, because behind every behavior there is ultimately a positive intention.
  • Body and mind are systemic processes. Everything that happens in one part of the system has an effect on all other parts.

Albert Einstein said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

If something doesn't work: Stop doing it and try something new!
"Love it, change it or leave it!"

This is exactly where NLC coaching comes in. With the help of NLC techniques, the coach is able to guide and accompany the coachee (client) into a resourceful, solution-oriented state and process. In this way, the coachee is optimally supported and motivated to achieve goals, empowered to develop new solution strategies and behaviors, and to improve communication and relationships.

Areas of application for NLC coaching

  • Visioning, planning and achieving goals (motivated and resourced).
  • Activating and reactivating potential resources (anchors)
  • Recognizing and releasing blocking patterns (self-image, beliefs, behavior)
  • Developing and finding solution strategies and alternative behaviors
  • Processing of stressful and blocking life events (reframing, change history)
  • Improve communication and relationships

Procedure of an NLC Coaching

As with all coaching, NLC coaching includes goal setting, coaching conversations and performance reviews.

Agreement on objectives, coaching discussions and performance reviews are part of coaching

The basis for a good coaching is sympathy and trust between coach and coachee. For this reason I offer you a non-binding initial consultation for CHF 60.- (pupils/students CHF 45.-).

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